Friday, June 12, 2009
Lunch with Pica
The Bull Fight
The bull fighter trying to get the bull to follow him.
One of the bull fighters after he did a good job!
When the crowd likes a bull fighter, they all wave something in the air. This was the only time they really liked one, but it was obvious that they were very pleased with him!
One of the horses. They are incredibly padded so that when the bulls go after them, the hopefully won't get hurt! The bulls practically pick up the horses sometimes with their horns! It's crazy!
If the bull fighter can get the bull to follow his cape two times in a row, the audience gets excited and starts saying "Ole!" after every time the bull follows. If he gets the bull to follow 4-5 times in a row he's doing a great job and the crowd is very happy!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Corpus Christi
The beginning of the parade!
This is a float that was carried on top of some people's heads. It was kind of odd, but we saw people practicing for this all month! They would walk around the streets with big structures on their heads- and we always wondered what it was for. We asked Pica, and she told us they were practicing for a religious holiday. Now we understand!
K'Lann, Maria, Matt, and Me at the parade
We got tired, and went to the Starbucks next door. It was two stories so we sat upstairs and watched part of the parade from there. It was really nice, and comfortable! :)
Corpus Christi at Night
The Cathedral at Night
K'Lann, Matt, and I decided we would rather go see the cathedral at night and take pictures of it instead of going with everyone else. It was so much fun!
The cathedral all lit up
La Giralda!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Strike and Pizza!
Delgadillo talking to the owner, I'm pretty sure they became friends!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Some Normal Sights in Sevilla
The flowers here are all gorgeous!
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Alcazar
The Great Mosque of Cordoba
A very old clock from 1747
Just a few of the 990 columns in the Mosque.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The olive trees while driving through Spain
K'Lann and Me in front of a Roman bridge
The guy who invented the idea of glasses!