Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Cathedral of Seville

Today after class, our whole class walked to the Cathedral of Seville. It is the third largest cathedral in the world. It was huge! And beautiful. This cathedral was originally a masque, and when the Christians took over, they turned it into a cathedral.

On the way, we saw the University of Seville, it was very pretty!

Here are some pictures of the cathedral.

Inside, there was a huge organ! It was just incredible!

It is said that Christopher Columbus is buried inside. There is a tomb for him and everything. Our teacher explained to us that a few different countries believe that they have Christopher Columbus' body, but no one knows where he really is. And, they don't want to do DNA testing, because no one wants to be wrong, because they all make money off of it! I found that pretty amusing. Here I am in front of the tomb.

La Giralda is the bell tower at the Cathedral of Seville. I think Dr. Delgadillo said that it was about 330 feet high, we went up 35 ramps and one flight of stairs to get to the top. It was beautiful up there! You could see the whole city of Sevilla.

Here I am in front of part of the city.

Rachel, me, and Devonie in the top of La Giralda

This is looking up at La Giralda from the bottom.

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