Friday, May 22, 2009


This weekend, almost everyone in my group is in Italy. I decided not to go with them, since I'm going to Italy with Julia in a few weeks.
So, I decided to spend the morning exploring Sevilla by myself. I just walked around for a few hours. I found and saw part of the Parque Maria Luisa. It is a beautiful park. I also found the Plaza de Espana, a beautiful big building. I stumbled upon an arts and crafts fair, "Hecho en Sevilla" or "Made in Seville" in the Plaza de Espana, and I will definitely be returning there to buy some things!

La Plaza de Espana

I also happened to be in the Plaza de Espana when they put up the flag. It was a big ordeal, with a band playing music, and many uniformed people standing around. I'm not quite sure what all was going on, but it was neat to see!

Then, I wandered around and found the cathedral area again, it is a very touristy spot, and there are many other sites to see near there. I almost went into one of them, but I didn't have time before lunch, so I'll go back tomorrow. There was a man near there painting with pastels, these beautiful scenes of Sevilla. I started looking at his paintings, and found his one oil painting and I decided to buy it. We talked for a bit, in broken Spanish and broken English. He explained to me that he used to do the oil paintings, but he decided that they are too hard, he has to do them in his house and work really hard on them. On the other hand, the pastels are easier and he can do them on the streets. I am so excited about my purchase of his painting!

The man I bought the painting from, Jesus.

A beautiful fountain, with the gorgeous trees with purple flowers on them...such a pretty place in Sevilla!


  1. What an exciting day! It looks just beautiful there! I'm glad you were able to enjoy exploring by yourself - I think that's really cool!

  2. La,
    So tell me about the tiles in the plaza.

  3. Wow, those pictures are so gorgeous, Laura! I really hope you are having as much fun as it looks like you could be there!
    Love, Mom
