Friday, June 12, 2009

Lunch with Pica

Everyday we have lunch with Pica. It is honestly one of my favorite parts of the day, because I love trying to talk to her in Spanish and I love learning more about her life.

We usually watch TV while we eat too. We end up waching something kind of like E news at home. It's the news about celebrities. This week she kept on telling us that she knew people on the show. We ended up finally saying- you know a lot of famous people! She said, yes that's because my son is famous. He's a famous horseback rider here in Europe. When we asked her about him, she went and got a file folder full of newspaper articles and magazines all about her son! There were pictures of the entire family, and tons of him on horses! She said she is very proud of him because they didn't have a lot of money so he worked his way up to the level he has achieved. In one of the magazines, they had a list of the "50 Most Guapo (Handsome) Men in Spain" and her son was NUMBER 2!!! We were so amazed!

Today she invited Kelsey's boyfriend over for lunch. He is here in Seville with the group of Engineering majors from Texas Tech. It is really rare for Spaniards to invite other peope into their homes, so we knew it was a special occasion! Since he was here though, we were able to get a picture of all four of us with Pica!

K'Lann, Kelsey, Pica, Megan, and Me
(my Spain family)

Me and Pica

The table set for lunch!

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