Thursday, September 23, 2010


Last weekend, Texas Tech played UT in football. This game is always a really big deal, and students begin camping out to be in line for the game starting on Monday night. Matt and I left home around 12:30 for the 7 pm game. We went to lunch and bought new shirts on the way to the stadium! I put mine on over my clothes in the back of the store and had Matt take a picture to see if I liked it! 

We finally headed to the stadium to get in line at 2 pm. Yes, five hours before game time!  This is what we saw when we got there:

The line was incredibly long, and we just hopped right in! 

Around 4:30 they started letting people into the stadium and we got in at about 5. 

From then on, we just killed time waiting for game time!

Unfortunately, Tech lost the game, but we put up a good fight! And I loved being able to spend that day with my sweet husband!

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