Thursday, September 30, 2010

The South Plains Fair!!

We went to the fair on Monday. It was a lot of fun!!
 Frito Pie!
 Chicken on a Stick!!
 Matt won me a flower! :) 

I loved looking at the HUGE fruit!! 
 This made me think of home, Dad!
 We found a game of Bingo!! It was probably my favorite part! :)

 We got serious about it, right before we left and did 6 cards at once! We still lost, but it was fun!! Haha :)
 We got to go to a Jake Owen concert, too! So fun!
  Sweet Love <3

The fair was so fun and quaint. I guess coming from Dallas some people wouldn't think it was big enough or entertaining enough, but I just loved the hometown feel of it! We even ran into some people that Matt knew. I love going places and doing fun activities with my sweet husband. Marriage is a wonderful blessing. <3