Saturday, October 23, 2010

5 Questions

The rules of this game are that you answer the questions posed by the person who tags you, and then you leave 5 new questions for people to answer.

1. Name the last think that happened that made you laugh really, really hard?
Hannah's friend Derek. We went to his house tonight and she did his hair and make-up to make him Zoolander for a Halloween party tonight. It was hilarious. :)
2. Favorite baby girl name?
Emma Lee
3. Describe your perfect sandwich. The type of bread, condiments, sauces, toppings, etc.
A tortilla with peanut butter and honey on it, microwaved for 30 seconds. It's delicious! It's Julia's variation on PB & J. Yum! 
4. You have 3 days to live. What do you drop everything to do? Who would you see? Where would you go? And of course, what would you eat?
I would go home, and spend every moment with my family. I'd have Julia, Jordan, and Claire come to Dallas too! I'd spend as much time as possible having fun with my husband, parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews. I would eat as much Mexican food as possible!! And lots of homemade chocolate desserts. Oh, and I'd beg my Dad to make chicken fried steak for me! It's the traditional birthday meal in my family and it's definitely a favorite!
5. Favorite documentary film?
I honestly have no idea...I'm sure I've seen some- but I can't think of any!! But, Hannah and I watched How to Train Your Dragon tonight, and it's INCREDIBLE!! Seriously, go rent it from Redbox. You'll love it!

I tag: Julia, Mel, and Hannah! And anyone else who wants to comment with their answers and/or post a Facebook note!

1. If you could live anywhere, where would you live and why?
2. If you couldn't have the job you have now, what would you want to do for work?
3. What is the one blog you look forward to reading each day and why? 
4. Who had the biggest influence on you growing up and why?
5. Describe your perfect date!


  1. Thanks for the tag. It's fun to have an easy blog post every now and then.

  2. I think your last three days and my last three days would be very similar. Seeing different friends but eating much of the same food.
