Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Little Ones

Matt and I always talk about "Our Little Ones". It has always bothered me that there wasn't a word for nephews and nieces. Like you can have sons and daughters, but you can also call them children! What is the all-inclusive word for nephews and nieces. Or in our case, nephews and niece. So anyway, we call them our little ones. :)

Last weekend we went to Dallas for a weekend filled with family!! When Matt and I were almost to my parent's house, I said that Claire would probably be asleep when we got there, just preparing myself for "the worst". When we walked in the door we were informed that she had just been put down for a nap! So, I called dibs on getting her up from her nap and feeding her. She just started eating rice cereal a few days it was a lot of fun!!

Taylor and Claire enjoyed getting reacquainted, too! :)

 Julia was trying to get Marcus to smile for a picture with Jennifer. He just went crazy instead! Claire REALLY got a kick out of it! She just laughed and laughed and laughed at her big cousin.
He finally calmed down for a sweet picture with his mom, too!!


  1. I LOVE the picture of Claire poking Taylor -- so precious! And I love you, too!

  2. Since our kids' children can be called grand-kids, I think our siblings' children could be called grand-siblings.
