Monday, November 8, 2010

I looked down at my hand this morning...

...and THIS is what I saw!! 


I had just gotten out of the shower, so Matt and I looked for the missing diamond for a few minutes, but we pretty much figured it was a lost cause. 

Luckily, we got the warranty on the rings when we bought them, so I'm not too concerned about it. As I told Matt, "hey, at least the warranty is going to pay off!"

UPDATE: We took the ring in today and learned that I'm not going to get my engagement ring back until after Christmas break! Bummer!! :( And the other two diamonds in the ring are apparently loose, they're fixing that too! 


  1. Sad!!! I'm glad you have the warranty!

  2. worst feeling ever...I just went through that 6 weeks ago!!! I found my diamond, but it sure was a relief that we had insurance while we were looking...Thank goodness for insurance!

  3. That's scary! Glad you'll be able to get it fixed. At least you still can wear your wedding ring :)

  4. That is one of the worst feelings ever. Insurance is worth every dollar.
