Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankful for...


As of today, we have been married for 100 days! 
That is pretty much unbelievable to me!

Marriage is a wonderful blessing. I am so grateful that families are the center of everything and that families begin with marriage! And I am very blessed to have been able to marry my sweet Mathew just 100 days ago. Part of me feels like it was just yesterday...but part of me feels like we're so comfortable in our routine and life as a married couple that it's hard to think that we're just now hitting triple digits! 

These are a few of my favorite pictures from our "First Look". This was just a couple of hours before the wedding. I got dressed in the temple and went out to see my waiting -almost- husband. These moments were some of the most emotional moments of the whole day for me! 

From the minute I left my little dressing room where Mom, Julia and Jennifer helped me get into my I walked through the temple in my wedding dress, on my wedding day, I was overwhelmed. I got tears in my eyes in the temple and had to walk all the way out to meet Matt...trying to contain myself the whole way. The whole time I was telling myself that I couldn't cry already!! We hadn't even taken one picture yet! 

Once he turned around and we saw each other I had a few tears fall. But other than those few tears, I didn't cry for the rest of the day!! (if you know me, you know exactly how much of a surprise that is!!!)

Trying to hold on to those tears!
There's a couple of them!
And probably a couple more...
I LOVE this photo. It's one of my absolute favorites from the day!

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