Wednesday, November 10, 2010


If you want a Thanksgiving print that looks like the one below, then just head on over to this blog and leave a comment on the post and she'll email you a copy! She has three colors: green, brown, and red! I really love that you can print this, put it in an empty frame you have sitting around, put it somewhere you'll see it often and then (for me at least) be reminded regularly of the real reason for Thanksgiving. It's not all about turkey and decorations and family time, although those things aren't bad! But November is a month of the year which we should set aside to remember the countless blessings that the Lord so generously gives us on a constant basis.

With all of that said, I'm going to start doing what my friend Mel does at this time of year. I'm going to blog every day about something that I'm thankful for! I'm excited about this opportunity to have you guys keep me accountable for spending time each day thinking about some of the countless blessings which the Lord has blessed me with.


  1. YAY! I can't wait to see this little tradition get passed on.

  2. These are way cute! Thanks for sharing :)
