Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas was just so much fun!! Having the entire Hervey family together is such a treat!! Taylor, Marcus, and Claire all really enjoyed their stuff from Santa! It is just so fun to watch it all!! 

We always all go into the living room at the same time...waiting is so hard! :)
 Marcus could have gotten nothing but this scooter and he would've been happy all day!
 He got a trunk full of Lincoln Logs!!!

Taylor's stocking was full of highlighters and pens! I'm pretty sure they were his FAVORITE gift!! He immediately counted how many he had of each color! (He asked Santa for 4 of each, I guess he was good this year!)
 He is just so darn cute!!
 It was cold, but the boys played for a few minutes!
 Matt LOVED Taylor's circuit game!
 The traditional Christmas morning breakfast: cinnamon rolls and sausage freezies. Yum!

 Claire woke up later than the rest of us!!
 This is the gift I made for Julia.
 And Jennifer's present!
 Matt's NorthFace jacket from my parents!
Christmas was a day filled with countless blessings, as usual. I am so grateful for my wonderful family and for our Savior, Jesus Christ whose birth we celebrate on this day.

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