Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Belton Matthew Tovar

We are so grateful for our sweet miracle baby, Belton Matthew Tovar!

Belton joined our family on October 4, 2012 at 5:25 pm. 

I had a sonogram at 1:30 that afternoon and Belton failed the tests during it. My fluid was really low and he wasn't moving enough. My doctor, Dr. McCants talked to me and told me to go straight to labor and delivery and that she would see me there! I made my way from the office in Mesquite to the hospital in Dallas, calling family members to let them know he was on the way! The plan was to induce me over a period of about 12 hours to see how he tolerated contractions. Before they even started to induce me, I was hooked up to fetal heart rate monitors and I turned from my back to my side because I had been uncomfortable! A couple of minutes later, the doctor and nurses came into the room saying that his heart rate had just plummeted and that they needed to get him out of there! Matt wasn't even at the hospital yet, but he was on his way. Luckily, Mom was with me at that point. The doctor said that I was going to have a c section in the next hour or so. She told me that they were already prepping the OR for me. Luckily Matt got there just in time and we went down to the operating room. My doctor performed the surgery and when she got to him, she exclaimed "you have an acrobat!" and all of the doctors and nurses in the room gasped. Belton's cord had been wrapped around his neck three times and it had a true knot in it.  All of the nurses told each other the story in the recovery room and each one called him a "miracle baby". We are VERY blessed that he is here with us today, and he is perfectly healthy!

6 lbs. 7 oz. 19.25 in.
As we left the OR, Dr. McCants asked us if we are religious people. Of course we said yes, and she told us that she had had "no medical reason" to schedule me for a sonogram that day. She said that she just had a feeling that it needed to happen, so she went ahead and scheduled it. Dr. McCants told us that it is purely because of that prompting from God that our son is here today. 

I am of course incredibly grateful to her for acting on the inspiration that she received. And I'm grateful to the Lord for providing that inspiration. As we approach the holiday season, Thanksgiving has an even bigger meaning to me than it normally does. Although motherhood is hard, I already can't imagine my life without this sweet little boy. He has brought a lot of joy and love into our home already, and Matt and I are just so excited to watch him grow.

Headed home!


  1. So precious, Laura! I'm glad your baby boy is safe and sound in your arms!

  2. I love seeing the pictures in the Operating Room! He is so precious, and so are you and Matt! These pictures from the first day are just beautiful.
