Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Our traditional Christmas dinner has evolved into our traditional birthday dinner! Most of us kids request dad's chicken fried steak for our birthday dinners, and now we have it on Christmas day! YUM!
This year Claire got in on the cooking action. She LOVES to cook and help in the kitchen. Super cute! She got to pound the meat and put it in the milk. 
 Dad fried it all up, as always!
 We all sat down and enjoyed the meal at the beautiful table!
 Grandmom enjoyed watching a Christmas movie with three of her grandchildren.
 Jordan built us another fire!
 Belton had fun playing with lots of us!
Claire and Julia put together the puzzle that we got Claire for Christmas, while Marcus played games on his new DS nearby!
 And Belton enjoyed wearing lots of different Christmas outfits!

 (The earmuffs were for our adventures in the snow!)

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