Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

 Merry Christmas Eve!

This year on Christmas Eve, the Kelly family came over and we all had a blast, as usual!
We acted out the nativity story this year. This is something that we used to do when I was little. Now we are bringing it back with the next generation! 
 Derek was our narrator.
 Claire was Mary, Isaac was Joseph.
 And Belton was baby Jesus.
 We also had a little shepherd...
...a bat (as opposed to a sheep?)...
 ...and two wise men...bringing gifts.
 Julia was a trooper and held Belton's head the whole time, for his safety!

Then we sang a few Christmas songs. Julia played the piano for us, and the kids danced and jingled their bells for Jingle Bells!

And then we started playing White Elephant! We do this every year and it is always the part of the evening with the most laughter!
Matt opened some yummy candy, but sadly it was stolen from him! (He also spent this part of the evening prepared to put Belton in the Moby at a moments notice, if he got fussy. Hence the great fashion statement he is making.) :)
 I don't even know how many years this dinosaur has been passed around, but we ended up with it this year!

 Claire loved the sunglasses, and enjoyed playing with Snoopy!
Julia got the coasters back, they have been passed around and different families have added their pictures over the years!

 See? It's just a great time full of lots of laughter!!
 Granddad and Belton also spent some time together. 

And then Marshall and Jennifer passed out the Christmas Eve gifts to the kids and Matt: New Pajamas!
Merry Christmas Eve!

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