Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lunch with the Weldys

Matt's friend from work, Chris and his sweet wife Lydia invited us over for lunch today! They have two super cute kids, Otto and Meredith. We had a great time getting to know them and snapping a few photos. Lydia took some great ones! (I stole most of the pictures in this post from her!)

 Our sweet (almost) four month old! 
(Thanks to Lydia for the great shots of him!)

 I love this new family picture of us! 

 Lydia is great and I am SO looking forward to play dates in our near future!! She blogs too, over at The Weldy Whatnot. 
She's the kind of person that you can talk to for hours and NEVER know the time is passing! I love it! Plus, she gave me lots of great Mommy tips and we all know that I just can't get enough of those at this point!
Yes, they are Aggies...Marsh, Jenn and Pete you can be happy that we have even more maroon in our lives now... ;-)

Thank you guys so much for having us over! 
We had a blast and can't wait to get together again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I was prepping dinner tonight and Otto asked, "Baby Belton come over?" I think he likes your little guy just a bit!

    We're having chili. Sound any good? Come over! ;)
