Sunday, March 3, 2013


 I can't believe I'm 24. Seriously. It blows my mind!! Anyway, I've had a good birthday!

Yesterday, we went to lunch with Chrystal and Erik. Somehow we didn't take any pictures. :( But it was the 12th birthday that Chrystal and I have celebrated together. Lifelong friends are fun! <3

Then Matt and I went on a date shopping at Northpark. It was fun to just walk around together and look around without wondering when Belton's next bottle or nap needed to happen! I really enjoyed myself! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Today after church, we had a little get together at my parents house. We had the traditional chicken fried steak Hervey birthday meal. Yum! Thank you Padre! :)
 Matt gave Belton a nap in the moby while we played Taboo. It's been a while since he has slept in there! 
 These two little boys are growing too fast!!!

 Make that these THREE little boys! Our little guy has grown so much! I know I keep saying that, sorry! It just amazes me!
My favorite, George's chocolate cake. Yum!
  See the 2 candles in the front and 4 behind? That's for 24. Goodness I feel old!
Uncle Marshall and Belton had some fun together! He's getting his arms used to holding a baby again...only 18 more weeks until Belton has a new cousin!

1 comment:

  1. After we hung up I wondered what kind of cake you had. - I should have guessed!
