Saturday, March 23, 2013

Claire's Visit

Julia and Claire came up for a couple of days last week, and then Julia went home and left Claire with us and Grandmom to take care of her! We had a great visit! Claire LOVES babies, and pretty much wanted to be involved with everything pertaining to Belton. It was so much fun to watch her with him!
She helped keep him happy and entertained during tummy time.
 She asked to hold him many, many times, as you'll see during the post!
She helped hold his bottle several times. (Can you tell that I'm not used to having a toddler around, I forgot to wash her face off after dinner! It's a good thing bath time was soon after this!)
 Claire loves baby Belton!
When I put her to bed at our apartment, I laid her down with her blanket and one of Belton's and told her it was his, but she could use it if she wanted to. She said, "I want Belton to have it." in a very concerned, sweet voice. When I explained to her that he had enough to share, she happily used it for the night. She is such a sweet, tenderhearted girl!
 Belton certainly has been getting better at tummy time lately!
And when he got mad, Claire entertained him with the hamburger card. (I'm a hamburger, hamburger, hamburger....)
 Belton has gotten BIG!
Marcus spent the day with us on Friday, and he asked to hold Belton for the first time! Plus he was SUPER sweet to him all day, helping Belton play with his toys and entertaining him. I think he's going to be a great big brother!
 Look at those three cute cousins!!!
Belton had a fun time with Grandmom at the park! Love it!

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