Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fort Worth Zoo!

Last week, Belton and I met Lydia, Chris, Otto, Meredith and Matt for lunch during Chris and Matt's lunch break. It was a fun lunch!

Towards the end, Lydia asked me if I was going to hang around in Fort Worth and pick Matt up from work (so he wouldn't have to ride the train). I hadn't really thought about that, but thought, sure why not? So, she suggested that we wives and kids go to the zoo while the daddies continued their work day (sorry dads!). It was a great idea, and we had a blast!!
 Belton slept through a couple of chunks of the zoo. He wasn't too enthralled!
 Otto, on the other hand, LOVED all the animals! So cute!
 The monkey was playing when we saw him, so cool!
 Owl (G-Town!)
Lion- we even got to hear him roar! It was pretty cool!
 Giraffes (my favorite!)
 Orangutan (I had no idea it was spelled that way!)
One thing I love about Lydia is that she just knows that some moments need to be documented...like Belton's first time to ride in the stroller like a big boy! She took a picture without me even having to ask! Thanks Lydia!
 Otto is so sweet with Belton!
 He entertained him...
 ...and even tried to give him a hug! Cute boys!
 Sleeping Belton with the turtles and fish!

These are our attempts at getting a picture of the three kids. Belton and Meredith were sleeping, and Otto was as cute as ever!
 We had a great time at the zoo, thanks for the suggestion Lydia! We love hanging out with you guys! :)

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