Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt with the Tovar's

Saturday afternoon, we went to Matt's Uncle JP's house (in Rowlett, yay!) for an Easter get together with some of the Tovar family. Sweet Emma looked so beautiful in her dress, I just couldn't resist!

  The kids (and Grandmas) had fun blowing bubbles!!

 Let the Easter egg hunting begin!
 Matt and Belton rounded up a little candy.
 Sweet Emma
 Belton was enjoying all of the excitement!
Matt's cousins, Halle, Emma, and Marissa
 Belton's in a tree!
 Bring out the cascarones!

 After she sweetly asked him if it was okay, this was Matt's reaction to the confetti egg!
 For the record, after three showers, I still found a piece of confetti in Matt's hair! 
 Belton even got a little bit while he was with Abuela!
 JP realized no one had gotten me yet, and took care of that!
 Happy Easter!

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