Sunday, May 19, 2013

Meredith's Birthday Party

A few weeks ago, we went to Meredith's first birthday party! My friend, Lydia set up a super cute party and we all had a lot of fun! These pictures don't even do it justice! What a perfect theme, especially when you have newborn pictures like that one! :)
We took Belton over to the park to try out the swings, now that he is such a good sitter! He grinned for some cute pictures!
 But really most of the time, he looked like this...and just stared at the ground!
 Belton even went down the slide with Dad! 
I'm not sure that it was the thrill he was expecting...
 And they went about halfway through this tunnel, before Matt decided it was too difficult!
 And thanks to Lydia, we even got a family picture!
We had a great time at Belton's first friend birthday party! Thanks for inviting us!

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