Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother's Day

 I had a wonderful first Mother's Day last week. I didn't change a single diaper all day long! :-)
 And this sweet little boy was just as sweet as ever!
I am so grateful to be a mother. I am grateful for Belton and the chance I have to raise him and teach him so many things. I pray constantly that I will have the wisdom that I need to be the kind of Mom that Belton needs. 

I am blessed to have a wonderful example, my own Mom! I am starting to learn, just a little bit, what kind of sacrifices she made and work she put into raising all four of us. She raised us in the gospel, and the influence of her righteousness is far-reaching. Thank you for all that you did, and continue to do for me and now my family, Mom!

I am also grateful for Kelly, Matt's step-Mom. The blessings in his life that stem from her influence are incredibly obvious to us both. You know how grateful we both are for you! Thank you for all that you do and are!

Happy (quite late) Mother's Day to you both and all of the other Mother-figures in our lives!

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