Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hannah's Birthday!

On Hannah's birthday, I drove up to Norman to visit her! She and Nathaniel had the day off and I was so excited to get to spend the day with them! I left Belton with my mom and hit the road early while he was still sleeping.We visited at their house for awhile before heading to a delicious lunch! Then we went to see Monster's University at the MOST AWESOME movie theater EVER! :-) I'm kind of a fan, can you tell?
  The Moore Warren Theater is in Moore, Oklahoma that was so violently hit by the tornado recently. Thanks to the theater's owner, it was built to withstand storms and tornados since he knew he was building it in tornado alley. It was in almost perfect condition still! 
The really neat thing about this movie theater is that the theaters have balconies where people 21 and older can go to watch the movies. The seats are huge, have warmers and a call button to get a waiter to come take your order from their full service restaurant and get service throughout the movie. Plus, they only play three previews before the feature presentation begins (Matt wouldn't love that part!). Seriously, it's the best. place. ever. They even have chocolate mints for you when you leave! And the movie was just adorable too!!! :-)

Then we headed to Bricktown in Oklahoma City. We walked around and enjoyed the sites!
Nathaniel works on the Water Taxi there, so we got a fun free ride. The Water Taxi Ambassador (Nathaniel's friend) even got the whole boat to sing happy birthday to sweet Hannah!
 We enjoyed some neat artwork during the ride.
 These statues are just beautiful. I wish I could have gotten some pictures of all of them!
 Finally, we headed to a tapas restaurant for dinner, yum!
And it was perfect because it left us enough room for dessert from a great bakery before I headed home! Thank you, Hannah and Nathaniel for letting me come and play with y'all! I had a blast!!

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