Monday, June 17, 2013

Last Week

Last week we were busy! On Tuesday, Belton and I went to see, Grandma, Aunt Abbi, G-Mom & G-Dad in the morning before going to lunch with Chrystal. Belton was standing so well (with help) that they decided it was time to put him on "the door". 

The pantry door at G-Mom's house has all of the grand-kids' heights on it as they grew. I am even on there a couple of times! Belton is just about the same height that his Aunt Abbi was at 8 months old!

I also discovered that Belton's new favorite book is this one! He LOVES feeling the soft spots (the dog's ear, the cat's fur, etc.) and now feels for those things on just about every page of every book we read! Thanks Aunt Julia & Uncle Jordan!

Wednesday was a BIG day for our little guy! He was napping in his crib and somehow figured out how to get into a sitting position all by himself! I walked into the room to get him up, and found him like this! Belton was SO proud of himself. It was adorable!! He also learned how to give kisses on this day! So sweet!!
 We also went and saw Matt's cousin's wife, Jessica and their daughter Abigail. She is just four months older than Belton, so these guys will definitely have fun together when they are a little bit older! When I took this picture, they were babbling back and forth to each other. It was cute!
 My good friend Katie has a pass to the Perot museum and invited Belton & me to join her on Thursday morning! We had a blast! Belton (and Katie's kids) loved playing in the children's area. I was thrilled when she pointed out that they have a baby & toddler area to play in! It is a lot of fun! Belton was entertained for a while, and will enjoy it even more once he can crawl around!

 Belton tried a cracker for the first time this week, too! I was impressed with how well he did eating it. He was happy!

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