Friday, September 6, 2013

Grapevine Vintage Railroad

Last weekend, we joined my brothers and their families and took the train from Grapevine to Fort Worth to go to the Stockyards. It was a lot of fun!

 Belton liked standing in his seat and looking out the window.
 And sweet Lillian grinned for Aunt Laura to take a picture!!
 I think these pictures of him looking out are just so sweet. <3
 Lillian spit up all over Grandma right after I snapped this picture!
 Our train stopped after getting "shot at", and some "robbers" got on!
 Then the Marshal got on and asked Marcus if he wanted to be his deputy. He said "NO!". Funny kid!

 Taylor and Peter
 Belton being a big boy in his seat!
Matt took this one of us walking down the street in the stockyards.
 We all took some pictures in front of this Texas flag.
 Marcus and Taylor were bored, so they started wrestling!

 Peter took all of these wrestling photos just to try to get picture of Marcus with a real smile. He succeeded!
 We got to stay just long enough to watch the cattle drive.

 When we got back to Grapevine, we went to Tolbert's for dinner.
 Belton loves queso!!!
When we went back to our cars, Peter noticed that I had a flat tire. Thank goodness he noticed and stayed to help Matt through the fiasco of changing it and airing up the spare. And thank goodness Marshall and Jennifer took Belton and me home!! Thanks guys!

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