Friday, October 4, 2013

Belton is ONE!!!

I can't believe our little teeny tiny baby boy turns one today!! He has grown so much right along with our hearts.
 Matt and I threw a first birthday party for him last weekend at my parent's house. I think it turned out pretty well!
 We had foods in different shapes chips (triangle) and queso, oreo balls, melon balls and grapes, sausage squares, PB&J cut into triangles, squares and circles and birthday cake!
 Aunt Julia was a HUGE help with all of the prep! I'm so glad that she and Claire were here for the party!
 We gave Belton his own birthday cake to demolish. He wasn't sure what to think of all of the people singing happy birthday to him!

 That's our tentative boy, "I'll touch it with ONE finger and see what happens!".

 He eventually started eating some..

 ...and managed to make a little bit of a mess!

 How big is Belton?? SO BIG!!!
 We love you, sweet baby!!!
 I started opening his gifts and we tried to get him involved. As soon as I opened a gift that was wrapped in wrapping paper, he started crying. Poor little guy, he had no clue what to think of everything!
 He received a couple of books that he read for the rest of the time that I opened his gifts with some help from Claire and Aunt Abbi.

 Here are some pictures of some of the family and friends that came! I'm sad that I didn't take more, next year I will!!
 Happy First Birthday, Baby Belton!!!

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