Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reading Books

Belton really, really, really, really, REALLY loves reading books!! In fact, Matt is reading him some books right now to keep him occupied and happy so that I can finally catch up on blogging!
 So, there isn't much that Belton enjoys more than sitting in our laps and looking through his favorite books. Brown Bear is one of the ones he likes best!
The other day, we got Belton ready for bed and I sat down to feed him his bottle. He anxiously reached out to Matt and refused the bottle, so we switched. Matt started to feed him his bottle and then he anxiously reached out again! This time we realized that this book was sitting on his nightstand and he wanted to read it. After they finished reading this book, Belton drank his bottle and went straight to sleep.
 I love that my baby loves to read!!

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