Monday, October 28, 2013

Time Out for Women

A few weeks ago, my mom and I went to Time Out for Women. It was an awesome experience! There were lots of wonderful speakers and musicians.
 I was a staffer at this event and had so much fun! I mostly helped with the service project, which was putting together backpacks of food for kids who wouldn't get fed at home to have some food over the weekends. Anyway, it was great and fun to be a part of the event and we were lucky to get to reserve seats, too!
I took pictures of some of the speakers and musicians.
 John Bytheway kept us laughing.
 Jenny Oaks Baker is a fabulous violinist. Mom and I loved listening to her music!
Sheri Dew was full of interesting stories!
 Jericho Road was another awesome musical group! 
Sandra Turley was in Les Miserables on Broadway. She sang for us and told us some heart wrenching stories from her life.

I loved being a part of this event and attending it! Maybe you can come with me next year?? :-)

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