Saturday, December 7, 2013

Centerville 2013

A few years ago my Uncle Don and Aunt Joyce started having a yearly family reunion of sorts at their home in Centerville on the weekend before Thanksgiving. We really enjoy going and seeing cousins and family that we don't see often!

 Joyce, David, Belton and Matt
Jo, Peter, Chris and Krish
 Dad, Mom, Marshall, Lillian
 Matt, Belton, Rudy
 Marcus and Taylor playing ping pong...
 ...against Jacob
 I love those crazy boys!
 Belton is such a ham these days!
 Dad, Don, Krish and Lillian
Kelsey, Taylor, Marcus, Jacob and Laurel- my nephews and some of my cousins' kids! It's fun that they all play together now!
And this is the third year that we have taken a picture in front of these bushes. The first time, Matt and I were dating, the second time, Belton was six weeks old. And here he is at one year!

Thanks Don and Joyce for hosting us!

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