Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Afternoon

 After a delicious meal and some wonderful family time, it was FINALLY time for PRESENTS!!!
G-Dad and G-Mom
 Grandma and Belton
 Abuela and Belton
 Belton walking with the puzzles he got from Grandma and Papaw to get some help with them. (This totally reminded me of Claire!)
 Belton and Papaw looking at one of Belton's gifts to him.
 G-Mom and G-Dad took Abbi on an amazing road trip this summer. I got the pictures from the trip and made books for both Abbi and G-Mom and G-Dad. They were well received. :-) (I guess now I need to get going on my 2012 and 2013 books! I hate being behind!!)
 Belton in one of his new hats!
Papaw, Matt and Grandma

Merry Christmas! We are very blessed!

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