Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we went to Grandma and Papaw's house and Matt read Twas the Night Before Christmas to Belton
And Belton tried on Santa's hat.
Then we headed over to the Tovar Christmas Eve at DJ's house.
 Here are Grandma and Papaw (or Abuela and Abuelo) with their three great grandchildren, Belton, Blake and Riley!
 Belton LOVED exploring a new place and dragging this bag behind him for a bit.
 Santa came to visit and pass out toys to all of the little ones!
We got some of the kids dressed up in the Christmas pajamas before we left.

 Then we went to Grandma and Papaw's house to spend the night. Belton put some cookies and milk out for Santa...
 ...but not before snagging some of that icing for himself!
Then he was off to bed so that Santa could come visit!!

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