Monday, December 9, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

 Happy Thanksgiving! 
 This year we were with the Hervey's for Thanksgiving. It was at my parents house and a few of our family members came up from Houston for it. We had a wonderful, beautiful meal!
 And great fun and conversation with family.
 Ashley, Laura, Belton
 Matt, Debbie, Jack, Grandmom
 Marcus, Gennifer, Marshall, Lillian
 Mom, Taylor and Peter
He's a sweet little turkey!
 Taylor and Marcus had a blast playing in the leaves!

 Ashley enjoyed some snuggle time with Lillian.
 And Belton LOVED getting some attention from the big boys!!!

 Now he thinks he is big too! Yikes!!!

He's becoming a little climber who is SO PROUD when he gets on top of things, and in and out of these little chairs.
 And Mama is getting a little nervous that he's developing these new skills!
 Belton has always loved Uncle Jack and they had a great time together on Thanksgiving this year!
We enjoyed a wonderful day full of family and food. We are so grateful for our many, countless blessings. When we got home, we wrote on this paper some of the things we are thankful for right now. (The all caps writing is "Belton")
We are so blessed!!!

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