Friday, February 21, 2014

Last Week

 Last week was one of those weeks with lots of sweet and fun moments that I happened to take pictures of!
 Bath time for this silly boy!
 Sleeping soundly at 10 am after he had been up for an hour in the middle of the night! 

These sweet kiddos had lots of fun playing together! Belton loves following them around! :-)
Lydia and I have fun too! I should start taking pictures of the project we work on or things we bake. We always do something interesting.
I put Belton down for a nap at Grandmom and Granddad's house and when I went in there to get him up, he had his hood on his head!
One day, when we walked into my parents house, Belton saw Granddad and immediately wanted to go outside with him! Of course, Granddad was happy to oblige.

 This kid loves his blankets!
 Finally, Belton got to drive the car at Kroger for the first time on Valentine's Day!

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