Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend this year was a lot of fun! :-)

On Saturday, our friends hosted a BBQ at their apartment complex's pool. Their complex has this awesome one foot deep part of the pool, where our kiddos could just play and splash around. So fun!
The water was a little chilly, but Belton had a blast!

Saturday evening, Matt and I went on a date. Here we are outside the temple!
And here's a picture of the fun Belton was having without us! :)
On Monday, we went over to Grandmom and Granddad's house for a Memorial Day get-together! But first, we dropped Belton off and Matt and I went to a movie. Two dates in one weekend! Now, that's an AWESOME weekend! :-)
 Look at those cute girls!

Then we had a fun day with almost all of the Hervey clan. We were just missing the Coopers!
 I don't even know how many pieces of watermelon Belton ate. Four or five maybe?

We went swimming in the (heated) pool, and by the afternoon it had gotten so cool outside that most of the adults were either by the fire pit or in the hot tub!
 Then Grandmom and Granddad broke out the s'mores fixin's!

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