Monday, May 26, 2014

The Dallas Zoo!

A couple of weeks ago Lydia invited us to the zoo. When we got there, we sat on the exit ramp for a while in a long line of cars trying to get to the zoo. Belton pointed out the giraffe to me while we were sitting here!
 We headed to the monorail first. Belton was thrilled to be on a "train"!

 We saw some zebras.
 We passed a pretty waterfall.
 Belton waved to the ostriches.
 And pointed at the gorillas.
After the monorail ride, we took a break for a picnic lunch. Then we walked around the other half of the zoo! Belton LOVED climbing on the animals. These kangaroos were fun!
 The tiger was right below us and walked away. Belton waved bye bye to it!
 He had fun climbing on any and all rocks he could find!
 Cute kid, I think I missed the animal when I took that picture? haha
 Belton was KNOCKED out before we got back on the highway. He took an awesome long nap that day!
Thanks for a fun outing, Lydia!

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