Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dinner at Glenn and Janie's House

Tuesday evening, everyone in town met up at my Uncle Glenn and Aunt Janie's house for dinner. I grabbed this quick attempt at a picture of the group right before we served up Aunt Janie's delicious lasagna!
 Belton and Lillian were super sweet together. I love that they are so close in age!
 Taylor, Aunt Carol and Emily getting some dinner.
 Emily, Aunt Carol and Uncle Jack
 Jennifer, Aunt Janie and Mom
 The three Emilys/Emilees.
Emilee Hervey, Emily Griffin, Emily Balch
 Bec (the high school graduate) spent some time showing Grandmom her yearbook.
 The boys (and Matt!) hung out in the basement playing this game.

 They were just a little bit excited about it! :-)

 Uncle Jack, Uncle Gary, and Dad
I instigated a picture of my mom and her siblings and mother. We went outside, and all of these Griffins were admiring the flowers!
The Griffin children: Aunt Debbie, Uncle Glenn, Mom, Aunt Carol
 Then we added Grandmom to the mix and someone mentioned everyone touching her shoulder for a picture...
 ...this prompted some laughter...
 ...which kept going...
 ...and going! 
I love this shot of Grandmom's huge smile on her face- surrounded by all of her kids.
 The Griffins
 Grandmom and Mom
 Time for dessert!

Uncle Glenn and Aunt Janie gave all of the kids a gift. Uncle Glenn works for the State Department, so Taylor and Marcus got these awesome State Department hats. Belton and Lilly got some adorable State Department teddy bears. It's fun to have a memento from them!
Thank you, Uncle Glenn and Aunt Janie for having us (ALL) in your home!

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