Thursday, June 26, 2014

Old Ebbit Grill

 We went to lunch at Old Ebbit Grill to celebrate Bec's graduation!
 Dad, Belton and Matt
Mom, Aunt Janie, Matt, Uncle Glenn, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Jack
 Our little family!

Taylor, Bec and Marcus
Uncle Gary, Aunt Carol, Grandmom, Marshall
Jennifer and Lillian
 Marcus, Joshua, Ellie and Emily
 This is how we survived 3 meals a day out a restaurants and lots of museums! We've already begun the "iPad detox"!
A little bit later, I was holding Belton and he just slumped down on my arm and conked out! This poor little boy really needs his naps!!
 I love that he's holding the little panda bear that we got him at the zoo!

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