Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Random Summer Week

 A couple of weeks ago, we had an impromptu girls night. What a great turn out! I'm blessed to call these sweet girls friends!
Brittany, Laura, Melissa, Brian, Danielle, Cherisse, Alissa, Danika, Cole, Sara, Ava

A few days later, Alissa and I took our boys to go see the planes land and take off at Founders Plaza.
 Belton LOVED watching the planes!
 Belton and Cole also had fun playing. Sweet kiddos.
 We will definitely be coming back here again when the weather cools off.
That afternoon, Matt got home from work earlier than normal and we went to check out the Aquatic Center near us.
 Belton had a BLAST!
...and he slept more than 14 hours that night! :-)

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