Friday, July 11, 2014

Belton: Twenty-One Months

 Here are some random pictures documenting Belton's 21st month of life.
Showing off his personality...
 His fascination and interest in anything new and different... (as well as my appreciation for perfect strangers that are helpful and selfless!)
The way his little grin just melts my heart...
 His love of trucks...
His ability to cheese it up... well as his love of wearing only a diaper!
 His sleepyhead and milk loving tendencies...
 The way Daddy makes everything better...
How he thinks he's SO BIG and can't wait to walk in Daddy's shoes...
And his excitement over new his first Sonic slush!
 We love him!

1 comment:

  1. This brought tears to my eyes. He is obviously so well loved by you and Matt. He is precious and blessed!
