Monday, July 14, 2014

Cow Appreciation Day

The tradition continues this year with Chick-fil-A's Cow Appreciation Day!

Belton and I went for an impromptu lunch this morning with some we had quick/incomplete costumes. But we walked in and the cow was walking around. Belton was SO excited. He kept saying hi and MOOOO to the cow! 
 Tonight, when Daddy went home we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner! (Apparently I forget to ask Belton to smile when complete strangers are taking our pictures...oops!)
Stop making me take pictures mom- I'm hungry!
 At this Chick-fil-A the cow is a girl and Belton LOVED her, too!
  Every time she left us, he wanted to follow her and stay with her.
We visited with her many times throughout our meal!

 This year, Cow Appreciation Day is on 7/11...the day when you can get free Slurpees at 7-eleven!
Belton wouldn't even turn away from his Slurpee long enough to look at me for a picture, just a quick smile and he was back drinking!
Happy Cow Appreciation Day! I hope you guys all got free food, too!

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