Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Friday Monument Tour: Part 2

That afternoon, we went to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial. This is my favorite of all the memorials in DC! I love how it is a history lesson and a memorial all in one. 

There are four outdoor rooms- one for each of FDR’s terms. 
Many of his most powerful quotes are displayed throughout the memorial. 
I took this picture to document how our family vacations have been my entire life. Dad is always taking the pictures and consequently he’s almost never in the pictures! 

Belton enjoyed a nice snack while we were here. It was HOT too, by the way. 

Belton was interested in the dog! 

Just a short walk away from FDR’s memorial is MLK’s memorial. This is a newer one that none of us had ever been to. 
Looking across the Potomac River at the Jefferson Memorial.

Next, we headed to the Lincoln Memorial and it started pouring down rain!! Dad and Taylor went to look at it while Mom, Matt, Belton and I attempted to stay dry (and completely failed!). 
This was pretty much the end of our trip. We went to lunch and looked around a little bit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. 
 From there, Mom and I went on a little walk to The National Gallery of Art Gift Shop and I bought this for our home as well as a couple of gifts. 
Next stop - the airport! 

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