Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pie Night!

 So...I have this amazing friend named Liz. Her husband's family decided that pie is the most important part of Thanksgiving...but by the time you're done eating Thanksgiving dinner you're too full to enjoy it! So, they have Pie Night on the day before Thanksgiving every year. Liz has carried on this tradition since they moved to Texas and we were lucky enough to be invited this year!
 I believe she made 17 pies. Yes you read that right. 17. All from scratch. Crusts from scratch. Everything. And they were delicious!

Flavored whipped creams, ice cream that won't melt on you, and small milks and waters. This girl knows how to  throw a party!

 We had a blast and voted for our favorites! I loved the brownie pie! YUM!
 And the Peppermint Ice Cream pie was my second favorite.
Back Row: Laura, Liz, Jessica, Leandra and Ellie, and Kim. Front Row: Ellie and Jen, and Chelsey
What an awesome tradition. And a fun night!

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