Friday, November 21, 2014

Moving Day(s)!

Our move was done in two parts. Day 1: I dropped Belton off at Alissa's (thanks!!) and headed to the house with a car full of our hanging clothes and all of our bedding for our new bed as well as our Christmas cards! While I waited for all of our installations and deliveries- I set up our master closet, made our bed (after it was delivered and put together and the mattress was delivered) and addressed Christmas cards! It was a very productive day for me and made the actual moving day so nice- to have our bedroom already pretty much in order!
Our closet (Don't mind my finger. Sheesh- I was a little excited I guess!)
 Our new bedroom furniture!
 Belton having fun with friends!
 After the new refrigerator, dishwasher, bedroom furniture and mattress were delivered and the Verizon instillation was done- I picked up Belton and headed back to the apartment to finish the last minute packing! 

Belton spent that night at my parents house and we got up bright and early Friday morning to move! Matt's coworker and friend Travis came and helped (so nice- who takes PTO and then decides to go lift boxes and furniture first thing in the morning instead of sleeping in??) and we moved everything out to the curb when the movers got there. We weren't allowed on the truck so  there was only so much we could do!

We're so grateful for the friends and family that helped us with our move! And we love living in a house now!

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