Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Party!

 I had a blast, as usual, at our Christmas Eve party this year! 
First we ate.
 Our good friends the Ellingsons came. So fun!
Then the kids acted out the nativity story. Belton was a shepherd.

 Claire and Aaron as Mary and Joseph
 Kash was a wise man.

 Baby Jesus is born!

 The shepherd decided he would rather sit with Grandmom than by Mary.

 We sang songs!
 Taylor played his clarinet for us!

 Dayton and Julia
 And then we finally played White Elephant!

Vickie opened this awesomely ridiculous kleenex box!
 Aaron wasn't so sure about these silly cups, but they were stolen anyway!
 Belton just wanted to open a big present.

 Marcus got some candy!

 Marsh got Frogger!
 When it was finally Claire's turn, she went and stole this decoration.
 Apparently she had her eye on it ever since it had been opened and she was so excited to take it!

 Matt got some Angry Bird K'nex
 Julia got a bag full of old White Elephant gag gifts!

 Merry Christmas Eve!
After everyone went home, Claire and Belton put some cookies on this plate and milk in this cup for Santa.
 I think Belton wanted a bite!

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