Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snippets of Our Life

Belton's favorite thing to watch lately: Shrek the Musical (Broadway version). He LOVES this and dances to the songs all the time.
When Belton wakes up in the morning and from his nap, he stays in his crib for a while and looks at books. It is great! He is always excited to show me what he's been looking at when he calls for me to come get him!
When it's time for him to go to bed, he says night-night to whatever toys he's playing with and lays them down on their side to go to sleep.
 Puzzles, puzzles, puzzles. All day. Everyday.
 I love this boy!
Girls night out!
Sara, Cherisse, me, Danika and Alissa
 Every single day Belton gets out of his bath and has Matt tie this bow around his neck. Then he runs out to see me and give me a hug and a kiss!

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