Friday, March 21, 2008


I turned nineteen a couple of weeks ago, and Julia came and visited me for the weekend! =] It was very exciting. She was in Lubbock from Saturday to Monday and we had a good time driving around campus and the city, going to the movies, seeing my apartments for next year, going to church, and going to choir and out to eat. It was great to have her there and show her my life in Lubbock.

Julia and Me.

My friends made March 3 a special day. They all came and saw me soon after it turned midnight to wish me a happy birthday. Later in the day, we went out to eat, and they had decorated and cleaned my room and bought me a cake. Then they were all waiting for me and surprised me in the room It was cute.

Andi, Melanie, Me, and Chrystal

About the blow out the candles on my cake.

Some of the group that went to Cheddars in celebration.

Also, I woke up to a world of snow on March 3! It was so fun to have snow on my birthday. It was a great day. Thank you all for your contributions to the day and my birthday. =]

1 comment:

  1. You look great, girl! I'm so glad you started a blog! I love keeping up with the lives of good friends. It sounds like your birthday was a hit! We love you!
