Sunday, May 31, 2009

Camels and Caves

Sunday morning we took a bus ride around Tangier and then stopped at a few places to do various things. Our first stop was at the beginning of the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet. It was pretty cool! We took a group picture of all sixteen of us from Texas Tech there.

Then, we went on and stopped to ride camels!
Here are Mateo and me on the camels. (There are 2 Matts in our group of 20, so we call one of them Matt and the other Mateo to keep them straight!)

Guns up!!

K'Lann had some trouble with her camel. Once she got on, he didn't want to stand up!! She was scared!

After the camels, we drove for a little bit again and then got to some caves.

This guy was sitting in a cave within the cave type thing and selling souvenirs...I thought his set up was pretty interesting!

Megan and me in the cave

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