Tuesday, May 26, 2009

La Plaza de Espana

So today after class, K'Lann, Megan, and I went to La Plaza de Espana. I went there the other day, but I didn't have time to look at much then- and now I realize how much I missed. I'm so glad I went back! It was an incredible place full of beautiful, very detailed tiling! I don't know much about it, (sorry Dad) but now I've seen it and it's gorgeous!

Me and K'Lann

Me and Megan with the random bull that was in the middle of everything...haha.

They have these little "cubicles" for all 50 of the provinces of Spain. They are very interesting and neat! This one is for Cadiz, the town that we went to with the beach. The detail in these murals is INCREDIBLE! We were amazed!

We always have to take a "Wreck'em" picture...

The view from the top

Megan, Me, and K'Lann from the top of La Plaza de Espana

It was just such a beautiful place!

After our siestas, a few of us went to see Angels and Demons at this one movie theater in town that shows movies in English with Spanish subtitles. We had fun, and then K'Lann, Matt, and I went to the supermarket and had fun looking around! Look at how small the baskets are here! I guess it's because people here pretty much go shopping every day for the meals they're going to make that day, so they don't buy in bulk like we're used to.

Matt at the supermarket


  1. I'm going to Spain in July for study abroad and I love your blog. It's giving me great ideas of places I want to visit. Let me know if there is anything you recommend.

  2. Okay Cindy!

    Where are you going to be studying?
