Monday, May 3, 2010

It's Been Too Long...

Yes. It has been quite a long time since I've been on here. I keep on meaning to get back into the habit of blogging, but I have just been so busy! So many things have happened in the last 10 months!!

I have almost completed two more semesters of college. (Just 3 finals left!)
I changed my major from accounting to marketing.
I got engaged! Yay!
I enjoyed some BEAUTIFUL Lubbock snow!! I turned 21...
...and celebrated with my sweet fiance...
...and some wonderful friends!!
I have been to a few of Taylor's T-Ball practices and games!
I went to Marcus' 3rd birthday party...I can NOT believe he is already so old!!And then I added a double major, now I am a marketing & management major.
I have a new niece! (Okay, I didn't have much to do with that, but isn't she cute??)


  1. Welcome back!!! I love the picture of Taylor tossing the ball in the air, and I love the pictures of Marcus's birthday, too!

  2. I couldn't find your email - so I'm contacting you here... Congratulations! You won the April Giveaway from

    Please send me an email (JustOneWeek(at)gmail(dot)com) with your mailing address so that I can get you your notebook!


  3. You've been BUSY! I'm glad to get some updates. Can't wait to see wedding stuff!

  4. Yeah! I've missed you! Sounds like you're staying plenty busy. Tell Julia that motherhood looks great on her!
