Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thankful for...

Our Little Ones

As I've said before, we love our nephews and niece!! And since Abbi is only a year older than our oldest nephew, she is also one of our little ones!! 
Such a sweet moment with my new little sister!
Hahaha :)

It was hot that day...isn't her dress adorable??
He's such a goof!
Clearly I knew he was being silly since I'm laughing so hard??
My sweet Taylor <3
My sweet Marcus <3
For weeks leading up to the wedding, I asked
Taylor if he would dance with me on our wedding day.
He was very apprehensive about it beforehand,
but at the reception he told me he wanted to!
This was definitely one of my favorite moments of the night.
Abbi didn't need any convincing to dance with us though!! :)

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